Wednesday 2 November 2011

How to Style Curly, Frizzy Hair

Hair, may it be straight, curly or frizzy have one thing in common, straight up Fashionable, Ladies embrace your natural curls and frizz as you are envied by women who don’t have the bounce that you own. Girls who are blessed with naturally curly or frizzy hair often complain about not possessing silky soft straight locks, Well Ladies I am here to frizz ease your worries and give you some tips on how to style Curly, frizzy Hair.

I am sure all you girls are exhausted of flat ironing your hair and using all that muscle and energy, wasting away precious money on hair relaxants and straightening creams, and sometimes wishing to travel back in time and entering the funky world of 80’s where Fuzzy was the trend.

The first step towards embracing your natural hair is by letting go of all the electronics that you own, which in the long term completely damage your hair, as we all know that curly hair tends frizz up and it happens due to moisture in the air, to avoid the kink, hair spray is your answer, spray a minute amount in your palm and scrunch it through hair and voilĂ  your good to go, you’ll have an easy breezy frizz free day.

Who would’ve thought that throwing your hair into a sink would give you the right bounce to your hair and also head turns? The secret is hair mousse and it’s a simple technique, Rinse your hair, detangle it with a soft bristle brush towel dry and run the mousse through your hair and let it naturally dry and you will achieve perfect Curls.

Curly hair naturally is dry so you girls have to choose the right shampoo for your hair, always remember to use a hydrating shampoos & conditioners for example you can use “hello hydration by herbal essences”, by doing so your hair will absorb the moisture and will remain shiny pretty and fierce all day.

How to style curly, frizzy hair? Well ladies there are several ways of styling your luscious bouncy hair, here are a few examples that you try on your hair,
a)      If you don’t want all your hair on your face well its simple, the technique is know as the TWIST, here’s what you need to do, take the front of your hair and twist it and take it to the side use a bobby pin to pin it down and repeat on the other side, feel free to play around, twist as much as you want.
b)      Sometimes everyone wants a slick look, so this is how you achieve a clean look, take small amount of gel run it through your hair and smooth it back with soft bristle brush, smoothen your hair out and if you have a frizz in the front, the gel will help in reducing it, tie your hair in a pony tail and you’ll achieve a nice clean look and will be ready to hit the mall and flaunt your gorgeousness
c)      We all know that the party begins at night and one wants to look elegant and fierce, so this is how you control your hair, take your hair in a French twist and roll it and push it in use your pins to hold it in an up do position, place the hair where you want it and use the hair spray to set it and put on your chanel and get ready to spend a night with your girl friends.

These were a few tips and tricks that you can use to style your curly frizzy hair just remember to embrace your hair and love what you have!
From ; How to Style Curly, Frizzy Hair